
Proportional Reinsurance Explained

What is Proportional Reinsurance – A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding its Mechanics and Benefits?

Reinsurance and Its Role in the Insurance Industry Reinsurance is an integral part of the insurance industry, playing a crucial role in managing risk and ensuring the stability and sustainability of insurance operations. It serves as a risk management tool that allows insurance companies to transfer a portion of their risks to other insurers, known […]

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Reinsurance Vs. Coinsurance

Reinsurance Vs. Coinsurance – Which One is Right for Your Business?

When it comes to protecting your business against unforeseen risks, insurance is a necessary investment. However, there are situations where the coverage provided by a traditional insurance policy may not be enough. This is where reinsurance and coinsurance come into play. But what exactly are they, and which one is right for your business? In […]

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Health Insurance When You Have Corporate Insurance

Should You Buy Health Insurance When You Have Corporate Insurance? A Guide to Making the Right Decision

Corporate companies often offer health insurance to employees. And post Covid-19 it is now mandatory for Indian companies to provide health insurance to their employees. However, often employees face a dilemma about whether they should buy health insurance or not. This is often because corporate health insurance might not fulfil all the needs of a […]

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Health Insurance Benefits for Employees

5 Reasons Why Companies Should Provide Health Insurance Benefits for Their Employees

Health insurance is an important factor for any company. It provides financial security to employees and their families, as well as peace of mind knowing that medical bills will be taken care of in case of any illness or injury. Being able to access quality healthcare is especially important for companies with a large workforce, […]

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How Does Corporate Health Insurance Work

How Does Corporate Health Insurance Work

What Is Corporate Health Insurance And How Does It Work   Corporate health insurance is an insurance plan offered by your employer to cover you against health issues. It is a means of adding value to your employees and ensuring that you are protected from heavy financial burdens in times of emergency.  Corporates buy health […]

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Corporate Health Insurance Vs Personal Health Insurance

Difference Between Corporate Health Insurance and Personal Health Insurance

Corporate Health Insurance Vs. Personal Health Insurance It is crucial to have a health insurance plan that provides complete coverage for both you and your loved ones. There are many different types of health insurance coverage available. Corporate and individual health insurance plans are two of the most often used kind of health insurance. Although […]

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Is Health Insurance Mandatory

Is Health Insurance Mandatory for Corporates in India? 

Is Corporates Health Insurance Compulsory in India? Corporate Health Insurance is an important feature considered during employment. Most companies do offer corporate health insurance, however, what they cover and how much insurance they offer depends on the size and capacity of the company. Previously, health insurance was not compulsory for companies, however, post the pandemic, […]

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Do's and Don'ts of Corporate Health Insurance

Do’s and Don’ts of Corporate Health Insurance

Buying corporate health insurance means you are looking for health insurance that not only takes care of your employees but also is good on the pocket for the company. For this, it is essential to consider some important dos and don’t so that you don’t end up with the wrong kind of insurance.  Today we […]

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Difference Between Group Term and Voluntary Term Life Insurance

What Is the Difference Between Group Term and Voluntary Term Life Insurance?

Understanding the various kinds of life insurance can be very difficult and confusing. Especially, if you are thinking about buying life insurance, you might be confused about which insurance to buy and how will it best benefit the people around you.  So, here we present a guide to you on life insurance. Voluntary Life Insurance […]

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Benefits Of Corporate Health Insurance

What Are The Benefits Of Corporate Health Insurance?

What Are The Benefits Of Corporate Health Insurance? A corporate health insurance plan is a type of insurance that protects groups in businesses from a range of risks, including those related to the health of employees, accidents, financial losses, and more. Corporate health insurance and group health insurance are interchangeable terms. Corporate medical insurance is […]

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