Category: Health Insurance

Does Health Insurance Premium Increase with Age?

Does Health Insurance Premium Increase with Age? Understanding the Factors

Investing in health insurance policies is a critical aspect of financial planning, particularly as individuals age. However, generally, health insurance premiums tend to increase with age, reflecting the higher risk and frequency of health issues that often accompany getting older in age. This correlation between age and premium costs is influenced by various factors, including […]

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How to Cancel a Health Insurance Policy and Get a Refund

How to Cancel a Health Insurance Policy and Get a Refund

Cancelling a health insurance policy and obtaining a refund can seem like a complex process. However, understanding the process can simplify the task for you to be able to cancel your insurance. Whether you are switching to a new provider, finding a more affordable plan, or no longer need coverage, knowing the steps to cancel [...] Read More
Physiotherapy Coverage in Health Insurance

Is Physiotherapy Covered in Health Insurance?

Understanding the coverage scope of your health insurance is very important while choosing the right policy. However with little knowledge widely available on these matters, for many individuals, comprehending the services and treatments included in their insurance plan can be difficult, specifically when it comes to treatments like physiotherapy. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in […]

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Does Health Insurance Cover Accidents?

Does Health Insurance Cover Accidents?

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and the aftermath of these accidents can be both physically and financially challenging. Knowing whether your health insurance policy covers accidents is extremely important so as to achieve peace of mind and financial stability in unfortunate incidents. Health insurance policies generally provide coverage for accidents, but the extent of coverage [...] Read More

Is Dental Treatment Covered By Your Health Insurance?

Is Dental Treatment Covered By Your Health Insurance? If you are considering buying health insurance coverage for dental treatment, it is essential to understand the specifics of your policy. While many health insurance plans include some level of dental coverage, the extent and details can vary widely and might not be applicable to all of [...] Read More
Exploring Cumulative Bonus in Health Insurance: Importance and Benefits

What is Cumulative Bonus in Health Insurance and Why You Should Know About It?

If you are a policyholder, it is important for you to understand a cumulative bonus. This bonus is an incentive provided by insurance companies to policyholders who do not file any claims during a policy year. Cumulative bonus encourages individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle and prioritize preventive measures, leading to fewer claims. Cumulative bonus […]

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Understanding Sum Insured in Health Insurance: Meaning, Importance, and Calculation

What Is Sum Insured in Health Insurance?

Understanding health insurance can be confusing, and one of the major important aspects to consider understanding in health insurance is the Sum Insured. But our experts at L&G can not only help you explore the meaning and significance of this term in detail. But our aim is also to provide you with the knowledge and […]

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Health Insurance for Workers

Which Scheme of Act Provides Health Insurance Requirements for Workers?

Healthcare has become a critical aspect of social and economic policies in the post-COVID world. Ensuring the well-being of workers is of utmost importance, and one way to achieve this is through health insurance schemes designed for workers. These schemes play a key role in providing access to essential medical services and financial protection during […]

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Health Insurance Rebranding

Which Health Insurance Company Rebranded Itself as Care Health Insurance?

Companies often engage in the process of rebranding to keep up with changing market trends, redefine their image, or align with evolving consumer expectations. This can be a strategic response to shifts in the competition, mergers and acquisitions, or a desire to revitalize the brand’s identity. A successful rebranding effort not only reflects a company’s […]

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Difference Between Health Insurance And Medical Insurance

What Is The Difference Between Health Insurance And Medical Insurance?

You may have an understanding that buying insurance policies is important. But which policy insures which part of your life is difficult to understand. Hence, before buying policies, we must develop a fair understanding of ich policy caters to what.  When it comes to health, two policies often cause confusion — Health Insurance & Medical […]

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