Comprehensive Treaty Reinsurance Solutions

Strengthen Your Portfolio with Reliable Treaty Reinsurance

Treaty Reinsurance Service

Our Treaty Reinsurance Service provides comprehensive and pre-established coverage for a range of risks. This gives insurers stability, predictability, and increased ability to effectively manage their underwriting activities. With this service, insurers can shift some of their risks to reinsurers under a predetermined agreement, ensuring automatic coverage for all risks within specified parameters. We use our expertise and commitment to excellence to help insurers optimize their risk management strategies, safeguard their financial stability, and achieve sustainable growth in a dynamic and competitive insurance market.

What is Treaty Reinsurance?

Treaty reinsurance is a risk management arrangement where an insurance company cedes a predetermined portion of its risks to a reinsurer through a pre-established agreement known as a treaty. This type of reinsurance differs from facultative reinsurance, which involves the assessment and acceptance of individual risks on a case-by-case basis. In contrast, treaty reinsurance provides automatic coverage for a specific set of insurance policies within well-defined parameters. By opting for treaty reinsurance, insurers can effectively expand their underwriting capacity, exert greater control over their risk exposure, and ensure consistent financial performance.

Key Features

Coverage for a Portfolio of Policies

In the case of treaty reinsurance, coverage for an entire portfolio of policies or a specific class of risks, rather than addressing individual risks on a case-by-case basis. This broad approach allows insurers to transfer a predetermined percentage of their risks to the reinsurer under a single agreement.

Long-Term Contracts Providing Ongoing Security

Treaty reinsurance agreements are typically long-term contracts that provide ongoing security and stability to insurers with less risk. These contracts outline the terms, conditions, and limits of the reinsurance coverage, ensuring consistency and predictability in risk transfer over an extended period.

When to Use

Treaty reinsurance is ideal in several situations and scenarios such as:

Risk Diversification

Insurers use treaty reinsurance to diversify their risk exposure by transferring a portion of their risks to reinsurers. This helps insurers avoid focus of risk and protect against adverse events that could impact their financial stability.

Enhanced Underwriting Capacity

Treaty reinsurance allows insurers to enhance their underwriting capacity by ceding a predetermined portion of their risks to reinsurers. This enables insurers to write more business without assuming excessive risk, supporting growth and expansion in their core markets.

Stabilization of Financial Results

By providing automatic coverage for a portfolio of policies, treaty reinsurance helps stabilize insurers’ financial results by mitigating the impact of large or unexpected losses. This ensures that insurers can maintain solvency and meet their obligations to policyholders even in challenging market conditions.

Benefits of Treaty Reinsurance

Risk Distribution

Treaty reinsurance facilitates risk distribution by spreading risk across multiple policies within a portfolio. By transferring a portion of their risks to reinsurers under a pre-established agreement, insurers can avoid concentration of risk and minimize the impact of adverse events on their overall financial performance. This diversification enhances insurers’ risk management capabilities and reduces their exposure to potential losses.

Financial Stability

One of the primary benefits of treaty reinsurance is its ability to provide insurers with greater financial stability and security. By offloading a portion of their risks to reinsurers, insurers can mitigate the impact of large or catastrophic losses, ensuring they have sufficient resources to meet their obligations to policyholders. This enhanced financial stability not only protects insurers from insolvency but also instills confidence in policyholders and stakeholders, fostering long-term trust and loyalty.

Operational Efficiency

Treaty reinsurance simplifies the reinsurance process by providing insurers with standardized contracts and terms. Unlike facultative reinsurance, which involves negotiating individual agreements for each risk, treaty reinsurance offers a streamlined approach with consistent terms and conditions across the entire portfolio. This operational efficiency reduces administrative burden, minimizes transaction costs, and enables insurers to focus on their core underwriting activities, enhancing overall efficiency and profitability.

How Treaty Reinsurance Works

Process Overview

Negotiation and Agreement

The insurer and the reinsurer negotiate the terms of the treaty reinsurance agreement, including coverage limits, premiums, retention levels, and other relevant parameters. This negotiation may involve discussions on risk appetite, underwriting criteria, and portfolio composition.

Contract Drafting

Once the terms are agreed upon, a treaty reinsurance contract is drafted, outlining the details of the agreement. This contract specifies the types of risks covered, the percentage of risks ceded to the reinsurer, the applicable terms and conditions, and any exclusions or limitations.

Underwriting and Risk Assessment

The reinsurer conducts a thorough underwriting process to assess the risks covered under the treaty. This may involve reviewing the insurer’s portfolio, analyzing historical loss data, and evaluating the overall risk profile to determine the appropriate pricing and coverage levels.

Portfolio Cession

The insurer cedes a predetermined portion of its risks to the reinsurer under the treaty agreement. This portfolio cession typically involves transferring a percentage of premiums and liabilities associated with the covered risks to the reinsurer, in exchange for reinsurance protection.

Premium Payments

The insurer pays premiums to the reinsurer based on the agreed-upon terms of the treaty. These premiums may be calculated as a percentage of the ceded premiums or based on other factors such as exposure, loss experience, or expected claims frequency.

Policy Administration

Throughout the term of the treaty, the insurer administers the policies covered under the agreement, issuing new policies, renewing existing ones, and managing claims as per the terms outlined in the treaty contract.

Claims Settlement

In the event of covered losses, the insurer is responsible for processing and settling claims in accordance with the terms of the treaty. The reinsurer reimburses the insurer for its share of the covered losses, up to the agreed-upon limits specified in the treaty contract.

Example Scenario

Insurer Entering a Treaty Agreement for Auto Insurance Policies:

  1. Negotiation and Agreement: An insurer specializing in auto insurance policies negotiates a treaty reinsurance agreement with a reinsurer to provide coverage for its auto insurance portfolio.
  2. Contract Drafting: The insurer and reinsurer agree on the terms of the treaty, including coverage limits, premiums, and retention levels. A treaty reinsurance contract is drafted outlining these terms and conditions.
  3. Underwriting and Risk Assessment: The reinsurer conducts underwriting assessments to evaluate the risk associated with the insurer’s auto insurance portfolio, considering factors such as demographics, driving patterns, and claims history.
  4. Portfolio Cession: The insurer cedes a percentage of its auto insurance policies to the reinsurer under the treaty agreement, transferring a portion of premiums and liabilities associated with these policies to the reinsurer.
  5. Premium Payments: The insurer pays premiums to the reinsurer based on the agreed-upon terms of the treaty, calculated as a percentage of the ceded premiums or other factors determined in the contract.
  6. Policy Administration: Throughout the term of the treaty, the insurer administers the auto insurance policies covered under the agreement, issuing new policies, renewing existing ones, and managing claims as per the treaty contract.
  7. Claims Settlement: In the event of covered losses, the insurer processes and settles claims in accordance with the terms of the treaty. The reinsurer reimburses the insurer for its share of the covered losses, up to the specified limits outlined in the treaty contract.


The necessary documentation and data required for arranging treaty reinsurance typically include:

Treaty Reinsurance Contract

A comprehensive contract outlining the terms, conditions, and limits of the reinsurance coverage, including details of the risks covered, premiums, retention levels, and claims settlement procedures.

Portfolio Data

Information about the insurer’s portfolio of policies, including policyholder demographics, coverage details, premiums, claims history, and other relevant data.

Underwriting Reports

Underwriting assessments and risk analyses conducted by the insurer and reinsurer to evaluate the risks covered under the treaty and determine appropriate pricing and coverage levels.

Premium Calculations

Details of premium calculations, including the basis for premium determination, such as ceded premiums, exposure, loss experience, or expected claims frequency.

Claims Handling Procedures

Procedures for processing and settling claims, including reporting requirements, claims administration processes, and reimbursement procedures for reinsured losses.

Types of Treaty Reinsurance

There are two types treaty reinsurance Proportional Treaty Reinsurance and Non-Proportional Treaty Reinsurance. Here are details of the same:

Proportional Treaty Reinsurance

Definition and Details:

Proportional treaty reinsurance involves the sharing of premiums and losses are shared between the insurer and the reinsurer on a proportional basis.This type of reinsurance can be further categorized into:

Quota Share Treaty:

In a quota share treaty, the insurer and reinsurer agree to share a fixed percentage of all premiums and losses for a defined portfolio of risks. For example, if the quota share agreement is set at 30%, the reinsurer receives 30% of the premiums and is then responsible for 30% of the losses for the covered policies.

Surplus Share Treaty:

In a surplus share treaty, the insurer retains a defined amount of risk (the retention limit) for each policy and the rest of amount is passed as a risk to the reinsurer. The proportion of risk surrendered varies based on the size of the individual policy. For instance, if an insurer retains Rs 500,00,00 of risk per policy and the policy size is Rs. 90000,000, the reinsurer covers the surplus Rs 500,00,00 and the proportion of cession will be 45%.

Benefits and Use Cases:

Risk Sharing: Proportional treaties enable insurers to share both premiums and losses with reinsurers, helping to balance their portfolios and reduce exposure to large claims.

Capacity Enhancement:

By surrendering a portion of their risk, insurers can underwrite more policies and larger risks than they could handle on their own.

– Simplified Premium Calculations:

Premiums and losses are shared according to predefined percentages, making the financial aspects straightforward to manage.

Proportional treaty reinsurance is particularly useful for insurers looking to manage a large volume of similar policies, such as auto or homeowners insurance, where the risks are relatively homogeneous.

Non-Proportional Treaty Reinsurance

Definition and Details:

Non-proportional treaty reinsurance provides coverage based on loss severity rather than a fixed percentage of premiums and losses. This type includes:

Excess of Loss Treaty:

The reinsurer covers losses that exceed the insurer’s retention limit up to a specified limit. For example, if an insurer has a retention limit of Rs 1 Lakhs and a loss of Rs 5 Lakhs occurs, the reinsurer would cover the excess Rs 4 Lakh, subject to the treaty limits.

Stop Loss Treaty:

The reinsurer covers aggregate losses that exceed a specified threshold within a defined period. This treaty is often used to protect against cumulative losses from multiple events. For instance, if an insurer faces total losses exceeding Rs 10 Lakhs in a year, the reinsurer would cover any amount above this threshold up to an agreed cap.

Benefits and Use Cases:Catastrophic Protection:

Non-proportional treaties provide protection against large, unexpected losses, ensuring financial stability in the face of catastrophic events.

Flexibility in Coverage:

These treaties allow insurers to tailor coverage based on loss severity, providing targeted protection where it is most needed.

Efficient Capital Management:

By transferring the risk of high-severity losses to reinsurers, insurers can better manage their capital and maintain solvency.

Non-proportional treaty reinsurance is ideal for managing exposure to high-severity risks, such as natural disasters or large liability claims, where the potential for significant losses exists. Both types of treaty reinsurance—proportional and non-proportional—offer distinct advantages and can be strategically used by insurers to optimize their risk management and enhance their underwriting capacity.

Why Choose LNG Insurance for Treaty Reinsurance?


LNG Insurance brings a wealth of experience and deep expertise in treaty reinsurance, making us a trusted partner for insurers seeking robust risk management solutions. Our team of seasoned professionals has a thorough understanding of the reinsurance market and a proven track record of helping clients navigate complex risk landscapes. We leverage our extensive industry knowledge to structure effective reinsurance programs that align with our clients’ strategic goals and risk appetite.

Client Success Stories: Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the numerous success stories of our clients. Here are a few examples:

  1. Case Study: Enhancing Capacity for a Regional Auto Insurer

A regional auto insurer faced limitations in underwriting larger volumes due to capital constraints. LNG Insurance implemented a quota share treaty, allowing the insurer to cede 40% of its premiums and losses to reinsurers. This arrangement enhanced the insurer’s capacity, enabling them to write more policies and expand their market share while maintaining financial stability.

  1. Case Study: Protecting Against Catastrophic Losses for a Coastal Property Insurer

A coastal property insurer was vulnerable to large losses from hurricanes and other natural disasters. LNG Insurance structured an excess of loss treaty, providing coverage for losses exceeding $2 million per event. This solution protected the insurer from catastrophic claims, ensuring their solvency and operational continuity even after severe weather events.

  1. Case Study: Stabilizing Financial Performance for a Multi-Line Insurer

A multi-line insurer experienced fluctuating financial results due to high aggregate losses across various lines of business. LNG Insurance introduced a stop loss treaty, covering aggregate annual losses exceeding $10 million. This treaty stabilized the insurer’s financial performance, providing a buffer against unexpected cumulative losses and allowing for more predictable financial planning.

Tailored Solutions

At LNG Insurance, we recognize that each client has unique needs and challenges. Our commitment to providing customized and effective reinsurance solutions ensures that we tailor our approach to match the specific risk profiles and strategic objectives of our clients. We work closely with our clients to understand their individual circumstances and design reinsurance programs that provide optimal protection and support their growth aspirations. Whether through proportional or non-proportional treaties, we deliver solutions that enhance our clients’ underwriting capacity, financial stability, and overall risk management capabilities.

Choosing LNG Insurance for your treaty reinsurance needs means partnering with a team dedicated to your success, equipped with the expertise, proven results, and customized strategies necessary to protect and enhance your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Treaty Reinsurance?

Treaty reinsurance is a type of reinsurance agreement where an insurer and a reinsurer enter into a contract that covers a portfolio of policies or a specific class of risks. Under this agreement, the reinsurer automatically assumes a predefined portion of the insurer’s risks, premiums, and losses according to the terms of the treaty. This arrangement provides consistent and ongoing coverage for the specified risks.

2. How does Treaty Reinsurance differ from Facultative Reinsurance?

Treaty reinsurance involves a pre-established agreement that covers a portfolio of policies, providing automatic coverage for all risks within the specified parameters. In contrast, facultative reinsurance addresses individual risks on a case-by-case basis, requiring separate negotiation and underwriting for each risk. Treaty reinsurance offers ongoing security and efficiency, while facultative reinsurance allows for tailored coverage of unique or high-value risks.

3. What are the benefits of Treaty Reinsurance?

   – Risk Distribution: Spreads risk across multiple policies, reducing the impact of large losses on the insurer.

   – Financial Stability: Provides greater financial stability and security by mitigating the impact of significant claims.

   – Operational Efficiency: Simplifies the reinsurance process with standardized contracts, reducing administrative burden and transaction costs.

   – Enhanced Capacity: Enables insurers to underwrite more policies and larger risks by ceding a portion of their risk to reinsurers.

4. How do I know if Treaty Reinsurance is right for my business?

Treaty reinsurance is suitable for businesses looking to manage a large volume of similar risks, enhance their underwriting capacity, and achieve greater financial stability. It is ideal for insurers seeking consistent and automatic reinsurance coverage without the need for individual risk negotiation. If your business faces significant exposure to catastrophic events, large portfolios of homogeneous risks, or requires efficient risk transfer mechanisms, treaty reinsurance could be a valuable solution. Consulting with reinsurance experts, like those at LNG Insurance, can help determine the best reinsurance strategy for your specific needs.

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